1.There is One GOD : "EK ONKAR" - There is one and only one God Almighty, the Creator. 2.Submission to the Will of God : Guru Nanak Dev Ji says that everything happens by God's Grace, so God knows better what is right or wrong for us. We should, therefore, accept God's decisions without any grudge or questions. 3.Importance of Guru : Guru Nanak Dev Ji lay great emphasis on having the importance of Guru in one's life. 4.Goodwill for all - SARBAT DAA BHALAA : In our daily prayers, we say this line towards the end of daily Ardaas - "Nanak Naam Chardi Kala Tere Bhane Sarbat da bhala". We request GOD for the welfare of the whole humanity and not just of our community or our family alone. 5.To Speak the Truth : We should always speak the truth without any fear. 6.Three Principles : Naam Japna - To Remember God at all times Kirat Karna - To work and earn a livelihood by honest means. Vand Chakna - To share wealth, brings the essence of equality to oneself.(Dasvand:10% of your income).
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